Meeting of NCCs/NCDs Advocacy Leaders in Brazil

8:00 - Arrival of all, interactive coffee and accommodation

8:20 - Opening: Welcome & Presentations

8:50 - Start of collaborative work (Laura Cury, ACT)

9:20-10:50 - Priority and effective actions to improve the NCD scenario in Brazil (Moderation: Tatiana Toporcov, FSP-USP)

9:30-9:45 - Which NCDs and risk factors should be a priority to achieve SDG 3.4? (Eduardo Macário, SES-SC) 9:50-10:05 - Why have children and adolescents gained prominence when talking about NCDs? What should all entities and NCD activists prioritize?
10:10-10:25 - How to make civil society actions more effective for the construction of a health policy scenario that truly meets their needs? (Priscila Torres, Biored) 10:25-10:50 - Q&A

10:50-11:15 – Interactive Coffee

11:20-12:20 – Advocacy Warm-up

Workshop with the Updated Advocacy Guide GHAI (Vanessa Rodrigues, GHAI)

12:35-13:35 - Lunch

13:40-14:00 – Continuation of collaborative work (Laura Cury, ACT)

14:05-15:15 - When to propose a public hearing, a letter of recommendations, a health program or a law? (Moderation: Tacyra Valois, CBEXS)

Joana Barcellos (Parliamentary Advisor)
Felipe Poyares (Political Strategy Axis)

15:20-15:45 – Interactive Coffee

16:50-16:40 - Presentation of collaborative work proposals (Laura Cury, ACT)

16:45 – Closing and Evaluation